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Auteur(s): Auteur Inconnu

ISBN : 0-53939-68972-3
Numéro de produit Gatineau : V0D084
Numéro de produit St-Hyacinthe : V0D084
Sujet : Films chrétiens (DVD)
Collection : The Bible Collection

Nombre de pages : 0
Langue : Anglais

Dimensions : 13.500cm X19.000cm X1.500cm0.150kg

Inventaire: Pas en inventaire

2199 $


DVD Sous-titres français seulement

A betrayal that brings down an empire - and etches two names in history.

While the children of Israel suffer under the Philistines, an angel appears to an aging woman. "You will conceive a son," he tells her. "And he will grow stronger than a hundred men. from the Philistine." That son was the Biblical hero Samson.

Nicolas Roeg directs a distinguished cast including Dennis Hopper, Diana Rigg, Michael Gambon, Eric Thal and Elizabeth Hurley in a gripping story of faith and deception. Samson terrorizes his peoples' oppressors until Delilah, a treacherous Philistine beauty, enthralls him. She cuts off his hair. the secret to his strength. His enemies blind him, chain him and put him on show. But slowly his hair grows back. With his phenomenal strength restored, Samson is ready to exact a fearsome vengeance.

Languages : English and Espagnol

Subtitles : English, Français et Espagnol

Durée : 180 mins.


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