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Auteur(s): Auteur Inconnu

ISBN : 0-53939-68942-6
Numéro de produit Gatineau : V0D082
Numéro de produit St-Hyacinthe : V0D082
Sujet : Films chrétiens (DVD)
Collection : The Bible Collection

Nombre de pages : 0
Langue : Français

Dimensions : 13.500cm X19.000cm X1.500cm0.150kg

Inventaire: Pas en inventaire

2199 $


DVD Sous-titres français seulement

A story of love - for a woman, for a brother, and for God.

For seven long years, Jacob has labored to earn the right to marry beautiful Rachel, Now the seven years are up - but Rachel's devious father substitutes his elder daughter on the wedding night,

Matthew Modine and Lara Flynn Boyle play Jacob and Rachel in one of the greatest love stories from the Bible. Highlights of Jacob's life - how he usurped his brother Esau's birthright and blessing, the pillow of stone, the ladder to heaven, wrestling with God - are set against the heartache and hope of his relationship with the woman he seems destined never to possess. Sustained by his faith il God and his love for Rachel, Jacob perseveres... and becomes the father of the 12 tribes of Israel.

Languages : English & Espagnol. Subtitles : English, Français et Espagnol

93 mins.


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